In order to support to our Sister City, Płock, Poland as they continue to provide support for refugees fleeing Ukraine, we will be accepting donations through our website that will go directly to their efforts. Click to donate! Make sure to add a note on your donation that says "City of Plock Refugee Fund" to ensure that we know where to send your donation.

Connecting Globally.
Thriving Locally.
Globally advancing friendship and peace through educational, cultural and economic exchanges.
Fort Wayne Sister Cities International, Inc. is an all-volunteer organization, and we're always looking for new members.
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Bringing cultures together is possible.
We’re doing it.
Fort Wayne Sister Cities is bringing cultures together from all over the world because of your support. Through your donations you help ensure the strength of our mission. To learn more about becoming a volunteer, sponsor, or just how to make a quick donation click here.
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